Seeing (dis)Ability
Empowering Students Through Inclusive Art Curriculum
This presentation will discuss artists with disability and Disability Artists and how to be a more inclusive art teacher by integrating these artists into your curriculum. A presentation of artists, a discussion of why it is important, and resources and activities will be shared.
3:15 PM
Room 118 Art Room
Room 118 Art Room
Dr. Wendy S. Miller is an Associate Professor, and the head of the undergraduate Art Education Department at the University of Northern Iowa. She teaches undergraduate and graduate art education courses and her research focuses on arts-based service learning. Miller has created banners and zines with children in response to the Declaration of Human Rights, installed Little Free Libraries through urban communities to advocate for literacy, and created an interactive art exhibit to educate the community on teen homelessness. Before coming to UNI, Dr. Miller taught k-12 art in the public schools for 10 years across the state of Iowa. Art Education students enrolled in her course, Issues and Theories in Art Education, will be leading this workshop with Dr. Miller.